
On-line alias since 2003-10-06

After nearly two years with just the message that the site ( would be with some content in two weeks (and thus appearing to posess a laziness sufficient to stop the rotation of a black hole) And after recently acquiring I decided to make the main page into a weblog, with subdomains for individual projects.

Of course, that still leaves me with the effort of learning the WordPress system. I just hope it takes less than two years. :-s

For those who stumble upon this site by accident (most likely), to get an idea of my writing style, I'm an active member of the Museum of Hoaxes Forum
Not that I will be writing about hoaxes much. It'll be all about me (sort of). (And please leave out the discussions about whether or not I exist, it's quite pointless really)
For those who followed the link from that site: "Welcome"

Feel free to put this site with your bookmarks, and check back somewhere end of July for an update.

last updated 2008-06-30 01:46 GMT